“Every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.” -Charles Dickens-

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


In case you missed it the first time around, or just want a second glimpse:



grace Forrest~Maestas said...

oh Michelle...YES...this is
exactly how it IS....
this Exchange...i love this
sculpture, just love love love
it...and it makes me see a
vision of a cloth i might stitch.
as always...you find the exact

Nancy said...


Ms. said...

Funny, how drawn i was to this old sculpture (it's been in her family through generations) when I visited Utah. Her home has the same calm the statue has. Despite personal upheavals, and various storms, she is a touchstone of loving life with courage for me; another 'adoptive family'. Along with my friend in Massachusetts, she contributes immeasurably to my sense of not being alone in the world in the most concrete and poetic ways, as do some of you who read and comment here. I am fortunate.

grace Forrest~Maestas said...

i keep coming back to look at this.
it is So how it is. to sit
with goats.
so much exchanged that i can't
even say yet.

Ms. said...

---and I keep returning to that post of yours. i cannot get enough of the repeated wisdom, the picture of those dear beings, the post comment you added about the night of their birth. it's my way of keeping what is essential, organic, and true at the forefront of my thought, and reminding me how life, just life, is the most compelling mystery, the greatest gift of all.